Recognized as a “2025 Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
March 13, 2025
GS Yuasa Corporation
GS Yuasa Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange: 6674) and three Group companies*1 were recognized on March 10 as 2025 Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations in the large enterprise category under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)’s Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program*2. This is the eighth time that our company has been certified as a Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization.
The GS Yuasa Group is promoting the creation of workplaces where employees can work actively and in good health under its Health Management Policy. Based on this policy, starting in fiscal 2022 we introduced a system that allows employees to count time spent for follow-up of regular medical examinations or cancer screenings, and gynecological examinations as working hours. We also received high praise for our efforts to encourage participating in programs by medical professionals to prevent serious illness, promote online smoking cessation clinics, implement company-wide standardized smoking cessation times, and collaborations with health insurance societies.
The GS Yuasa Group will continue to strive for better health management.
*1 GS Yuasa Corporation, GS Yuasa Energy Co., Ltd., GS Yuasa Technology Ltd.
*2 METI, in collaboration with the Nippon Kenko Kaigi, awards organizations that practice excellent health and productivity management in cooperation with health insurance societies.
GS Yuasa Group Health Management Policy
In order to realize the “innovation and growth” of our employees and business entities, the GS Yuasa Group supports employees and their families in collaboration with health insurance society so as to ensure that they maintain their own health and encourages "health promotion" so that all employees can work zealously and with a sense of fulfillment.
GS Yuasa Group Main Health Measures
1. Early detection and treatment of cancer
・Promote the early detection and treatment of various cancers by conducting gynecological cancer screenings at regular medical examinations and self-examinations by mail for employees and their families (at no cost to the employees or their families)
2. Optimize work hours and ensure a positive work-life balance
・Make it compulsory to take at least 10 days of annual paid leave per year, and promote the target of taking 70% of the number of days granted
・Reduce overtime work by setting a maximum number of overtime hours per month, etc.
3. Early detection and treatment of mental disorders and prevention of worsening
・Expand systems such as consultations with industrial physicians and nurses, counseling, etc.
・Support for individuals identified as high risk through stress checks (individual consultation, etc., with a doctor or nurse), etc.
4. Introduction of a system to treat follow-up of medical examinations and gynecological examinations as working hours
・Introduction of a system that allows employees to count time spent at medical institutions for follow-up of regular medical examinations or cancer screenings, and gynecological examinations as working hours
5. Encourage participation in programs to prevent an increase in severity of symptoms and promote online smoking cessation clinics
・Achieve a high participation rate by encouraging participation in programs by medical professionals to prevent serious illness
・Information regarding online smoking cessation clinics and the implementation of company-wide standardized smoking cessation times reduced the smoking rate to 18.9%